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Scythe ist normalerweise für potente Kühlhardware bekannt, versucht sich mit einem kompakten Digitalverstärker und zwei Stereolautsprechern aber auch im Audio-Segment. Der Vorstoß in die klangliche Welt ist dabei nicht arm an Ideen, doch bedeutet das allein noch nicht, dass ein weiteres Produkt im Mittelklassesegment der Lautsprecher bestehen kann. Was also kann Scythes Audio-Riege?
Callpod a company known for their various mobile technologies have released the Callpod Dragon v2 Bluetooth Headset which has a supposed range of 100 meters (328 feet) when used with a class 1 enabled Bluetooth device. Sounds pretty impressive. Callpod utilizes their proprietary noise mitigation system known as dual-mic noise suppression. This technology activates when a call comes through and helps reduce background noise while enhancing and optimizing the sound quality of the conversation.
Years ago, there was only a handful of gaming peripheral companies, and in reality most people fell into one of two camps, Razer's or Logitech's. Now though, there's a whole host of different manufacturers putting together their own gaming mice, keyboards, headsets and more. With all these new players in the game, there's a much wider range of looks, features and extras and when on the look out for a new gaming mouse, you can find some interesting ones.
CM Storm ist eine Coolermaster Serie welche auf die Interessen von Gamern fokussiert ist. Neben innovativen Gehäusen und Mauspads reiht sich nun eine Gaming-Maus in das CM Storm Portfolio ein. Gleich zwei Laser Sensoren, acht frei belegbare Tasten, Profilspeicherung direkt in der Maus und weitere Features sollen die Anforderungen professioneller Spieler an eine Maus, erfÃŒllen. Ob und wie dies die CM Storm Sentinel erfÃŒllt erfahrt ihr auf den folgenden Seiten.
Wer in der Vergangenheit auf der Suche nach einer neuen Tastatur war, konnte unter anderem bei Revoltec fündig werden. Mit den im Oktober 2009 erscheinenden Multimedia-Tastaturen der neuen K-Serie, der K101 sowie K102 Touch rundet Revoltec sein Produktportfolio nun weiter ab. Beide Modelle bieten Multimediatasten und besitzen dank der flachen Tasten eine geringe Höhe. Die K102 Touch bieten neben berührungsempfindlichen Tasten auch eine interessante Tastaturabdeckung, dazu aber mehr im Test.
Any music fan or anyone serious about their gaming will tell you that a decent set of headphones are an absolute necessity. Today I'm looking at the Xplosionn 5500, and at first glance it looks like a set of over the ear style headphones, with an added LCD for some strange reason. Looking closer though you'll find that it is in fact an mp3 player built into a set of headphones, so let's find out more about this hybrid.
Today we are going to look at the SteelSeries Xai Laser Gaming Mouse that fits in at the top of their range above the Ikari Laser Gaming Mouse one of the finest mice we have ever tested and a personal favourite within the Heaven Media staff circles.
Nach und nach werden auch die Tastaturen immer edler. Heute sehen wir der Enermax Acrylux mit Acryloberfläche auf die Tasten. Kann die Designtastatur auch haptisch und praktisch überzeugen?
Last week I posted about the new Arctic Cooling Arctic Sound Ear Buds that were just launched, and today I have my full review of them for you. In my time with them I used them with both my PC and my Zune MP3 player and I found that they’re honestly not that bad. They are very nicely made, they’re lightweight and include different sizes of ear buds to fit anyone’s ears. The included case is very nice as well, it will certainly protect them from damage and getting tangled up with your stuff. I decided to see how they compared to a few other sets I’ve got on hand from Radius, Ultimate Ears and Future Sonics and I was pleasantly surprised by these ear phones from a company that specializes in cooling. One might think that a cooling company might not know much about sound, but it seems they’ve done their homework on the subject and come up with a decent product in both design and performance.
Steelseries produce a range of gaming gear from mice and mats to keyboards and clothing, providing a range of useful additions to gamers of all abilities. Among the plethora of toys from this Danish-born company is a selection of more than a dozen mousing pads. The mouse mat is an oft-forgot element of the gamer's apparel. Much attention is given to mice and high-resolution monitors, but people tend to forget about that extra layer in communication between man and machine. So we'll now take a look at the Steelseries 9HD Pro Gaming mouse mat, designed to meet the extra demands of precision gamers.
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