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Power Supply
Power Supply
Enermax est une marque incontournable dans le domaine de l'alimentation, et cela fait maintenant quelques années que ça dure. Aujourd'hui, nous testons un des modèles les plus évolués dont dispose le fabriquant, la Platimax, dans sa version 850 watts. Une alimentation qui porte fièrement le label 80 Plus Platinum.
Power Supply
Technic3D hat das Thortech Thunderbolt 1000 Watt Netzteil im Test. Mit der Thunderbolt Serie ohne der Namensbezeichnung "Plus" verzichtet der Hersteller auf das Display im Lieferumfang. Wie das Netzteil im Test abschneidet, steht im folgenden Artikel.
Power Supply
The 80 Plus certification for power supplies is around for a while, but recently they created three additional classes: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Learn what they really mean. Updated to include the new Platinum certification.
Power Supply
We were one of the first hardware review websites to alert users that the vast majority of power supply reviews posted around the web and even on so-called "specialized" magazines were completely wrong. If you want to understand why, please read our article Why 99% of Power Supply Reviews are Wrong. This is recommended reading to understand why we are adopting the methodology described in the present article.
Power Supply
When you are traveling or on the go you want to keep your bag as light as possible. No one wants to be walking around carrying a heavy bag that slows them down or is uncomfortable. Besides your laptop the next biggest thing in your laptop bag usually is the power adapter for your laptop. Depending on your laptop your power adapter can be quite large and bulky. Another thing that I see with a lot of my friends is them carrying around two laptops. One personal laptop and one work laptop from their job. So that means two power adapters to carry around with you. If you are tired of carrying around two power adapters or just one large one we have the perfect solution for you, the NB Q90 Universal Notebook Adapter from FSP.
Power Supply
Corsair added Link tech to their HX series of power supplies, giving birth to the HXi series, proving once again they have some of the best PSUs available.
Power Supply
Vor nicht ganz einem Jahr präsentierte be quiet! die Pure Power Serie, eine Serie günstiger aber dennoch qualitativ hochwertiger Netzteile für geringe Systemanforderungen. Die erste Pure Power Serie (L6) bestand aus zwei Modellen mit 300 und 350W Leistung und verzichtete u.a. auf PCI-Express Stecker. Die aktuelle Pure Power L7 Serie ist in vier Leistungsvarianten (300W,350W,430W,530W) erhältlich. Die Anschlussvielfalt ist jetzt größer, so besitzt schon das 350W Modell einen PCI-Express 6-2pin Stecker. Wie sich die neuen Pure Power Netzteile im Test schlagen, erfahrt ihr auf den nächsten Seiten.
Power Supply
Solide, günstig und leise sollen die neuen Netzteile der Pure-Power-Serie sein und die breite Masse an potentiellen Käufern ansprechen. Dafür wurde ein interessantes Paket aus 80Plus-Bronze-Zertfikat, SilentWings-Lüfter und Kabelmanagement geschnürt. Wir klären, ob die Serie das Potential zum Kassenschlager in der Einsteigerserie hat.
Power Supply
Today we are looking at the latest Pure Power 630 watt supply from German market leaders, BeQuiet. This company focus on creating a quality power supply with the lowest possible noise emissions. The ‘L8′ version is the 8th iteration of the series which is 80 Plus Bronze certified with a very high quality, custom designed fan called the ‘Silent Wings’.
Power Supply
A little while ago we had our first encounter with Fractal Design’s power supply units, in our review of the Tesla R2 650W. The 80Plus Gold certified Tesla R2 proved to be a formidable adversary for the competition; however, the retail price is placing it out of the reach of most mainstream users. Today we will be having a look at the most powerful PSU of the Integra series, the 80Plus Bronze certified series of Fractal Design, the Integra R2 750W.
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