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Power Supply
Power Supply
Steigende Stromkosten? Wachsendes Umweltbewusstsein? Einsparungen beim Energieverbrauch? Wer ernsthaft darüber nachdenkt, ein Netzteil der 1500+ Watt Kategorie zu erwerben, legt an den Stromverbrauch seines Rechners wohl einfach andere Maßstäbe an. Egal ob durch ambitioniertes Übertakten oder extreme Systemkonfigurationen mit zwei CPU-Sockeln und mehreren Grafikkarten - es gibt Anwender, die extrem leistungsfähige Netzteile benötigen. Lepas G1600 kommt da wie gerufen - mit 1.600 Watt Dauerleistung setzt es die Latte für das derzeit technisch machbare erneut nach oben. Wir haben dieses außergewöhnliche Netzteil in unser Testlabor bestellt und prüfen, ob alle, die derart viel Saft für ihren Rechner benötigen, den Markennamen Lepa auf ihren Einkaufszettel notieren sollten.
Power Supply
One of the unique design traits to SilverStone's modular power supplies is that they're fully modular. Where as most manufacturers will hard wire the mandatory cables, usually the motherboard, EPS/ATX and one PCIE connector, SilverStone has opted to make even those cables removable. Their reasoning behind this design choice is well justified though; they have a variety of after market cable options that can do everything from giving you short cables for small form factor cases, or premium looking cables for enthusiasts with windowed cases. Today I have the PP06 cables here which have each individual wire (not wire strand, but wire) sleeved in a premium quality material mesh sleeving. The PP06 cables look great at first glance and are bound to add some flashy looks to your case, so let's check them out!
Power Supply
A la Ferme, un type d'alimentation nous fait toujours craquer : les modèles Passifs, sans ventilateur. Des blocs qui produisent 0 dBA, et qui ne sont que du bonheur pour nos oreilles. Ce jour, nous testons la toute dernière création de Seasonic, la Platinum 460FL ; 460 watts Passif en Platinum donc. A découvrir sans plus attendre dans nos colonnes.
Power Supply
With many people already having purchased one of the latest GTX Titan graphics cards by NVIDIA (it was sold out after all) it really makes sense for us to focus on reviews about powerful and quite expensive 80Plus Platinum certified power supply units that can successfully feed that monster of a card with sufficient, clean and stable power (and we have). However since most people out there seem opt for either an GTX 660 or for one of the Radeon HD 7850 cards instead we also need to cater to their needs and so today we decided to bring you a review of one of the latest PSUs to hit the market, the reasonably priced 550W 80Plus Bronze Certified PowerX by Cougar.
Power Supply
Enermax is a well known manufacturer of high quality Power Supply Units. In this review we take a look at the smaller Enermax TRIATHLOR 700W Power Supply Unit. It has two +12 volt rails, sleeved cables and modular connectors. Let us see how this small beast performs.
Power Supply
Be quiet!s aktuelle Modellreihe für die Verwendung in Komplett-PCs zählt zu den interessanteren preiswerten Netzteile. Wir testen exklusiv das 450-Watt-Modell mit 80Plus-Silber.
Power Supply
Today we are looking at the Fractal Design Tesla R2 1000W, a high output power supply which achieves a very competitive price point in the United Kingdom, around £130 inc vat. While this unit isn’t modular, it does achieve 80 Plus Gold Certification and has a full 3 year warranty. Is it worth the modest outlay?
Power Supply
Oggi vi presentiamo la recensione di un prodotto formidabile, stiamo parlando dell’alimentatore Antec HCP-1000 avente la prestigiosissima certificazione Platinum. Già da questo potete capire che rappresenta quindi il top di gamma del famosissimo produttore Antec, che quindi è orientato a tutti coloro i quali saranno interessati ad installare sistemi particolarmente complessi, potenti e soprattutto efficienti. Questa certificazione sta diventando con il passare del tempo il nuovo standard per i prodotti di categoria enthusiast, d’altronde l’utilizzo di prodotti con questo wattaggio teorico certamente permette una semplice cosa, di fondamentale importanza in sistemi potenti e bilanciati: la consapevolezza di avere il massimo che la tecnologia può offrire, nei limiti del mercato per soluzioni consumer. Scoprite con noi il nuovo gioiello in casa Antec, buona lettura!
Power Supply
Enermax's highest wattage Platimax unit offers a lot of bang at 1350W. If you're looking to upgrade to three or four of the new GeForce GTX 780's, this review will be well worth your time.
Power Supply
Overall, the XFX Pro Series 850W Black Edition is not the best performing 850W power supply that we have ever tested, nor the most innovative, or the lowest priced; however, it is outstandingly balanced in every aspect. The overall performance is undeniably excellent, with the PSU easily conforming to the 80Plus Gold certification standards, running silent and maintaining low temperatures, as well as displaying admirable electrical performance. When it comes to quality, the fact that Seasonic is the OEM behind its manufacturing alone should be enough to satisfy even the most demanding of users. The choice of components is excellent, as is the quality of the assembly. XFX covers this unit with a 5 year warranty (parts + labor), which should be enough to quell any concerns...
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