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Power Supply
Power Supply
Power supplies are often a neglected part of any computer rig. They have neither the interest of a graphics card nor the features of a motherboard and so often finds itself bottom of the list when it comes to building a rig. However, the humble power supply is an essential part of any computer and a bad unit can ruin not only itself but also other components. Other things to consider are the peak output power, efficiency and whether it is SLI ready, but the main thing that a PSU needs to achieve is rock solid rail stability. OCZ sell a range of different wattage units and today we look at one from the ModXStream range that aims to achieve all this and more.
Power Supply
Die Kollegen von Hardwareoverclock.com haben ein neues Netzteil unter die Lupe genommen, das Cougar CM Power mit 700 Watt. Als Testsystem kam ein Core i7 mit einer GTX295 zum Einsatz. Wie sich das Netzteil geschlagen hat, könnt ihr im Bericht lesen.
Power Supply
The SNA 95 should be on your list of adapters if you ever break your original or decide you need a spare. It may only save you a few dollars or may cost you an extra buck or two, but it provides extreme versatility with notebook and peripheral charging.
Power Supply
It is very important to notice that Corsair HX750W, HX850W and HX1000W have nothing to do with other models from this same series. They use a complete different (and better, by the way) design using a DC-DC converter to generate their +5 V and +3.3 V outputs, like several other high-efficiency power supplies (PC Power & Cooling Silencer 910, Antec Signature, Antec TruePower New, Seasonic M12D and Cooler Master UCP series). These HX models are manufactured by CWT, while other models from HX series are manufactured by Seasonic. Why Corsair kept the same name is a mystery. In our opinion they should have used a different name so consumers would know they are facing a different product class, targeted to users looking a power supply with high-end parts and very high efficiency.
Power Supply
Nachdem wir vor einem Jahr das Modell Pro 82+ 385W EPR385 AWT der Firma Enermax getestet haben, ist heute das Modell ESS350AWT aus der ECO80+ Serie an der Reihe. Die Ausgangsleistung beträgt dauerhaft 350W wobei eine kurzzeitige Belastung von 385W zulässig ist. Die ECO80+ Serie besteht derzeit nur aus diesem einen Modell.
Power Supply
Toughpower XT is an updated version of the famous Toughpower series from Thermaltake, featuring two novelties. First, a set of three LEDs that gives you basic status about the power supply working conditions. Second, a switch where you can configure the power supply fan to keep spinning for 15 or 30 seconds after you turn off your PC, which in theory can increase the product life-span. Another difference is the use of a single-rail design, while the original Thoughpower series uses a four-rail design. Let's test the 750 W model and see if it is a good buy.
Power Supply
Kingwin's Mach 1 1000-Watt ATX power supply brings a lot to the table, and it's all good. With excellent performance, quiet operation, and a very innovative feature set, this PSU could easily find a home in the most demanding systems.
Power Supply
Preiswerte und weniger üppig dimensionierte Netzteile fristeten bisher ein kaum nachzuvollziehendes Schattendasein, was sicherlich auch darin begründet ist, das uns die Hersteller gerne mehr suggerieren, als real nötig wäre. Dazu addiert sich natürlich noch der nicht zu unterschätzende Aspekt, das mit den "kleinen" Netzteilen nicht so viel Profit erzielt werden kann
Power Supply
We reviewed this entry-level 550 W power supply from BFG, which uses a different internal design than the previous BFG LS-550 unit available on the market.
Power Supply
Vor kurzem haben wir über das nette kleine SilverStone Strider 1500W berichtet mit den süßen vier Primärkondensatoren und der 80Plus Silver Auszeichnung. Doch auch in der Mittelklasse offeriert SilverStone diverse Serien und Modelle, die aktuellen Ansprüchen gerecht werden sollen. Wir haben uns das Strider 600W zukommen lassen.
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