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Power Supply
Nach einer ganzen Reihe von Highend Netzteilen, stehen selbstverständlich auch die bezahlbaren Exemplare noch in unserem Focus. Einerseits benötigt nicht jeder ein Highend Netzteil für seinen Office-respektive moderat ausgestatteten Gaming-Rechner. Andererseits steht und fällt letztendlich auch alles mit dem Preis, zumal nicht jeder über 100 Euro für Netzteil ausgeben kann oder möchte. Darum möchten wir bis zum Jahresende unsere Preis-Leistungs Empfehlungen noch um zwei eventuelle Positionen erweitern.
Power Supply
Die sogenannte GX-Baureihe wurde 80Plus Gold zertifiziert, wie das Kürzel vermuten lässt. Das G1050, welches gegenüber vergleichbaren Cougar-Modellen (CM bzw. CMX 1000 W mit 80Plus Bronze) die größten Änderungen aufzeigt, ist unser heutiger Testkandidat. Dennoch möchten wir auch einen Blick auf die kleineren Fabrikate werfen und Unterschiede zum G600 aufzeigen. Eine ausführliche Analyse der Marketing-Versprechungen ist inbegriffen. Wie üblich testen wir zudem die Spannungsregulation, den Schalldruckpegel und weitere Kriterien auf Herz und Nieren.
Power Supply
Antec recently introduced a new range of High Current Pro series power supplies, including 750W, 850W, 1000W and 1200W models. All of these models have 80 Plus Gold Certification and are rated to 92% efficiency using the highest quality Japanese brand capacitors.
Power Supply
Last month we reviewed Antec’s new 80 Plus Gold Certified ‘High Current Pro 850W‘ power supply, and we were impressed. Today we are looking at the 900W model in their ‘High Current Gamer’ range. As this series is 80 Plus Bronze Certified, it is a little more affordable, with the 900w unit retailing for only £100 inc vat.
Power Supply
Wie bereits im letzten Test angekündigt, hat die Redaktion diesmal ein Exemplar aus der High Current Gamer Serie der Firma Antec auf dem Prüfstand. Dabei handelt es sich um den Kraftspender mit 520W und der Modellbezeichnung HCG-520. Außer diesem Netzteil mit einer Ausgangsleistung von 520W sind innerhalb dieser Serie auch Netzteile mit den Ausgangsleistungen 400W, 620W, 750W und 900W erhältlich.
Power Supply
Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel has had his name and gaming handle splashed across a lot of hardware over the past few years. Today we'll be looking at his latest entry in branded gear, brought to us courtesy of OCZ. The OCZ 750W Fatal1ty Series power supply builds on OCZ's already solid reputation by bringing several interesting features to the table.
Power Supply
Through daily experience with common household equipment, many people should have noticed the terms AC and DC voltage and / or current; for example on a car battery which outputs 12V DC voltage or a household lighting lamp which needs 230V AC voltage. Yet only very few people can actually realize even that there are differences between AC and DC current, let alone understand the differences themselves. The purpose of this article is to explain the main characteristics and highlight the differences of AC and DC current, in terms understandable by people with very low or without technical expertise, along with providing some encyclopedic knowledge on the subject.
Power Supply
Until someone can effectively convince me otherwise, I am not an environmentalist. Let me clarify before we begin that the probability of convincing me otherwise is zero, so please do not even try. And no, egging my house will not change my mind. I can assure you I will promptly dial 911. On the other hand, don't take me wrong and label me as someone who don't care about the environment -- I do and will continue to do my part in recycling and the such. It is just I am not about to go out of my way just to 'go green'. Admittedly, I drive an 8th generation Honda Civic, and routinely get over 40 US MPG on average with some hypermiling techniques. But I do that not because I want to protect the environment per se. I just happen to really like my wallet. You know, using less gas saves me money. I like that. And let's be honest here -- do you think companies actually reduce their product packaging out of the goodness of their own hearts to save the earth? No, they're just saving money on reduced packaging so they can make more money; at the same time advertise they are being green. Therefore, let's deal with it: This is called killing two birds with one stone. At this point, you may be wondering what my whole little rant on being environmental has to do with our OCZ ZX Series 850W article today. In fact, this has everything to do with it. The latest flagship in OCZ's line of computer power supplies is unsurprisingly another 80 Plus Gold certified unit, meaning it is at least 87%, 90%, 87% efficient at 20%, 50%, and 100% load, respectively. In fact, every power supply we have looked at since August last year were Gold certified. Other than saying this is a very 'green' power supply, for most computer enthusiasts, this means it is yet another high performance PSU built with top notch components inside. Being efficient also means less heat is generated for a quieter operation in conjunction with improved thermal management inside your chassis. Oh yeah, you get to save some electricity and reduce your next utility bill. The best of both worlds? Sounds like a winner to me. So whether you are someone who cares about the environment or want maximum performance, we opened up an OCZ ZX Series 850W power supply for our report today. Read on to see what we have found!
Power Supply
Power supplies are often almost overlooked when building a new PC and with many newbie’s to the field there are many people without a clue as to which wattage suits them and their requirements best. Thankfully though CoolerMaster have come up with the GX series of power supplies which are a line up of high performance, high efficiency PSU’s aimed at the mid to high end of the gaming systems market. Today we have one product from this line. The GX550. Let’s take it for a spin.
Power Supply
Andyson is another OEM manufacturer that is trying to enter the retail market using their own brand. Let's take a look at their Nuclear 850 power supply.
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