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Power Supply
Power Supply
The PC Power & Cooling Silencer MK III 750W power supply has an 80 Plus gold efficiency rating with continuous output at 50C. The Silencer MK III 750W has a unique switch that allows users to choose between normal or silent mode, where the 140mm cooling fan runs idle whenever the load is under 50%.
Power Supply
Rosewill comes swinging back at the plate, this time with a fanless power supply guaranteed to keep things quiet.
Power Supply
We are looking at a 750W Antec High Current PRO Power Supply Unit from Antec. It is 80 Plus Gold certified, got modular cables and hith quality components. And on top it's wrapped in a nice looking case. But what about the performance?
Power Supply
The power supply market has always been fiercely competitive, with PC Power & Cooling always remaining a solid staple for nearly two decades. If you have built any systems in that wide range chances are good you have heard of PC P&C, who partner with OCZ Technology to bring their PSUs to light. The prime example is the Silencer series, which has and continues to be a huge hit for the two companies. After a lengthy hiatus, the Silencer family gets a new addition in the Silencer Mk III, which aside from other innovations, brings the series to the modular era. Compared to previous Silencer lines, the Mk III division is also going one step ahead by offering a broader array of wattages and efficient ratings. Ranging from 400W to 1200W, the lower-end models from 400W to 600W are 80 PLUS Bronze certified; the high-end 750W and 850W flavours are 80 PLUS Gold certified, and the extreme 1200W model sports the 80 PLUS Platinum rating. Technology X will be reviewing the OCZ x PC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk III 850W PSU, which at $160 provides a solid seven-year warranty and more than adequate power output. While not completely passive, the fan-equipped MK III tries to live up to its name and provide noiseless top-notch performance while remaining proficient in the process.
Power Supply
We are looking at a 850W Antec High Current PRO Power Supply Unit from Antec. It is 80 Plus Gold certified, got modular cables and hith quality components. And on top it's wrapped in a nice looking case. But what about the performance?
Power Supply
Super Flower est une marque que nous connaissons depuis pas mal de temps à la Ferme, mais avouons que cette dernière n'était pas très présente en France. Mais on la sait, avec le temps les choses changent, et voilà que la marque est distribuée dans notre beau pays. il est donc temps de reprendre les tests et de déterminer si la Golden Green 600 watts vaut le détour.
Power Supply
When an enthusiast hears of the new Lian Li PC-V750WX E-ATX case, what comes to mind is a very large and unwieldy case like the NZXT Phantom 820, Corsair 800D or the Lian Li PC-90. Many people would be surprised the to find out then that the Lian Li PC-V750WX is able to accommodate a E-ATX motherboard within its 230mm x 440mm x 586mm size. This is 210mm (~8.26" shorter than the NZXT Phantom 820 I last reviewed. Lian Li used some unique features to fit ten expansions slots into a case substantially smaller than any of its competitors. The real question is, with a price tag of $390 can Lian Li provide enough features on top of its compact size to make up for the substantial price gap between it and its larger competition. Benchmark Reviews will be setting out on this review to determine if Lian Li has a feature set to accommodate the gargantuan price tag for its miniscule case...
Power Supply
PC Power & Cooling est une marque que l'on assez peu chez nous, pour autant, cette dernière a un grand nom derrière elle, OCZ. Aujourd'hui, nous testons le modèle haut de gamme de cette marque, la Silencer MKIII 750 watts, une alimentation qui pourrait bien intéresser un grand nombre de personnes grâce à des prestations intéressantes.
Power Supply
Streacom Nano 150 Watt Pico-Netzteil im Test Pico-Netzteile erfreuen sich wachsender Beliebtheit und werden oft als sinnvolle Lösung für Wohnzimmer-Computer angepriesen. Wir testen das Streacom Nano 150.
Power Supply
Die Netzteil-Mauschelei Nicht immer erfüllen unsere Testmuster unsere Erwartungen. Nach dem letzten Chroma-Termin mit 15 Netzteilen ist Netzteil-Redakteur Philip Pfab desillusioniert.
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