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It’s been a busy time of year in the CPU market, with Haswell now on sale and making its stand as one mighty processor for its size, it’s time for AMD to release their update to the Trinity APU platform.
Whilst Intel’s new Z87 platform has seen a vast improvement in performance over Z77, it still has one major downside for some people and this relates to the cost. A new ground up platform means that users need to buy a new Z87 board in order to use the latest fourth generation processors and on the top end of the scale, this can equate to a large hole in the wallet. This is where AMD’s APU platform makes a strong stand against Intel. Whilst they have got their FX line of CPU’s that can perform virtually neck and neck with the 3rd Generation offerings from Intel, they do lack a built in GPU.
The APU or Accelerated Processing Unit is something that AMD have been proud of for a while now and the Trinity platform showed that with the inclusion of HD Radeon graphics into the same chip as a quad core CPU, it was able to give quite a substantial amount of power, especially for the price.
Richland is the next generation of APU’s to roll out of the AMD factories and even though AMD have made it clear that their HD Radeon 8xxx series of discrete GPUs will not be around until the early part of next year, back at the start of the year they did state that their 8000 series mobile graphics would be making appearance way before then within notebooks and within their APU’s
So what extra is there to be had over Trinity? Well over the last generation chips, AMD is promising a boost of 30-40% in performance and the biggest shouting point of all is the total cost of upgrading. Whereas Intel users need to buy both a chip and board in order to upgrade, the Richland APUs will all work on the current line of FM2 A85X motherboards with a simple BIOS update.
Other new features within Richland include the new HD Radeon 8000 series GPU cores, with up to 384 shaders, 8xAA and 16xAF support, DX11 support, DisplayPort 1.2 support and a clock speed of up to 844MHz. On top of this the A10 APUs will now also have native support DDR3-2133MHz memory speeds and the chips as a whole will offer more voltage and frequency levels for overclocking meaning that we should see some chips that are easier to work with when taking them to the next level in terms of speed.
Nach dem Flaggschiff Core i7-4770K testen wir mit dem Core i7-4770 und den Core-i5-Modellen 4430, 4570, 4670 und 4670K alle „Haswell“-CPUs mit vier Kernen und 84 Watt TDP.
Today we are looking at the new AMD FX9590, clocked at an eye popping 5ghz. The FX9590 is shipped with a base clock of 4.7ghz and a maximum turbo speed of 5.0ghz – the all important figure which has already started a plethora of news stories across the net. AMD wanted to be the first out the door with a 5ghz processor and they achieved it. The question we ask today- ‘Ok – 5ghz, but at what cost?
Intel’s latest processor architecture brings a lot to the table, with the usual suspects dominating the feature’s-list: improved CPU and GPU performance, better power-efficiency, and new instruction sets. We’re taking a look at the desktop line’s highest-end offering here, so let’s see how it stacks up against the last-gen’s champ.
Mit dem FX-9590 bringt AMD ein letztes Flaggschiff der aktuellen Generation auf den Markt. Mit 5 GHz im Turbo-Modus buhlt die CPU um (mediale) Aufmerksamkeit. Das hat seinen Preis.
Après la série 5xxx, c'est assez logiquement la série 6xxx des APU d'AMD que nous testons et nous lançons les hostilités avec un modèle A10, qui répond à la référence 6700. Cette nouvelle évolution vaut-elle le détour face à la précédente ? Réponse dans ce nouvelle article.
We all love doing computer upgrades, but sometimes we have to ask ourselves if a full system upgrade is worth it or necessary. There are times that you may only gain a small percentage of a performance boost, where there are other times that you gain significant increases. Today I am going to compare my original Intel Kentsfield CPU and X38 motherboard to a shiny new Haswell CPU and Z87 motherboard.
Toc, toc, anzi tick-tock! Chi bussa alla porta? E’ Intel che regolarmente ogni due anni ci consegna la sua nuova architettura. Quest’anno Intel sembra bussare sottovoce e il rinnovo dell’architettura è senz’altro meno entusiasmante di quanto visto ad esempio con Sandy Bridge, almeno a primo impatto. Le novità di Haswell sono poche ed abbastanza nascoste, ma ci sono. Scopriamole quindi insieme queste novità, testando sul campo sia la CPU che la IGP delle due proposte Intel destinate agli appassionati di overclock: il Core i7 4770K e il Core i5 4670K. Se qualcuno ha già intuito l’allusione presente nel titolo di questa recensione, lo invitiamo a fare un passo indietro, perché l’affermazione non è così scontata. Haswell riserva ancora delle sorprese che sviscereremo nel corso di questo articolo. Diffidate delle analisi superficiali! Al solito siamo un po’ (o meglio molto) in ritardo con i tempi di pubblicazione (complice Intel stessa e contrattempi vari), ma l’obiettivo è sempre quello di fornire un’analisi completa che non si ferma alle prime impressioni. A qualche mese di distanza, dopo molti test effettuati e qualche news su quello che ci aspetta per il futuro possiamo dare un giudizio più che esaustivo su queste nuove CPU.
Dernièrement nous avons vérifié les performances de l'APU A10-6700 d'AMD et nous devons le dire, ce dernier nous avait séduit de par ses performances CPU intéressantes et sa carte graphique plus que suffisante pour bien des tâches. Aujourd'hui, nous testons la version A10-6800K, celle-là même qui peut tourner à plus de 4.0 GHz et surtout qui permet l'OC. A découvrir sans plus attendre dans nos colonnes.
When Intel sends out press samples of their new CPUs, they generally provide the top-end desktop products like the Core i7-4470K. And it’s fun to have the latest new super-fast processor to play with. But most people don’t need this level of power, and indeed in many cases even enthusiasts won’t make full use of the capabilities of a high-end part. Given that, might a less expensive, mid-range CPU be a better choice? Benchmark Reviews tests the mid-range Intel Core i5-4430 CPU, desktop processor model BX80646I54430, to find out.
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