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Nella giornata odierna Intel presenta ufficialmente la sua nuova linea di CPU top di gamma, che ha l’obiettivo di rinfrescare il parco di processori a disposizione per il socket LGA 2011. Le CPU Core i7-49xx e 48xx, a differenza delle CPU Core i7 47xx ed inferiori, sono basate sull’architettura Ivy Bridge con processo produttivo a 22nm. Oggi vi presenteremo i test del modello di punta nell’offerta desktop Intel: il Core i7 4960X. Scopriremo in questa recensione come si comporta sia a default, sia in overclock.
For the first round of releases the Sandy Bridge CPU will be 32nm and fit into the 1155 socket (yes, a new socket) on the desktop. Each of these (including the Core i7 variants) will have an integrated graphics processor capable of running at up to 1350MHz (when needed, and using a form of Turbo Technology). Due to a linking of all the parts in the CPU, the BCLK will be locked to 100MHz, but there will be certain �K� variants that will allow you to overclock by changing the multiplier.
Comme prévu, c'est ce soir que se terminera notre concours vous permettant de remporter un kit Sandy Bridge comportant un processeur Core i7 2600 et une carte mère H67 Intel, équipée d'un chipset en révision B3.
The first tests of Sandy Bridge processors produced an good overall impression. But it didn't answer one interesting question: how did the pure architecture performance change? So we decided to conduct another testing and try to compare architectures instead of specific products.
Vor knapp drei Jahren stellte der Chipgigant Intel eine Oberklasse-Plattform auf Basis des Sockel LGA1366 samt X58-Chipsatz und den dazugehörigen Core-i7-900-Prozessoren vor, die in Sachen Performance zum Marktstart ihres gleichen suchte. Doch mittlerweile konnte die innovative Sandy-Bridge-Architektur - die Anfang dieses Jahres zusammen mit dem Sockel LGA1155 das Licht der Öffentlichkeit erblickte - die Performance-Krone an sich reißen. Es wird also höchste Zeit für eine neue High-End-Option: Deshalb schickt Intel heute offiziell Sandy Bridge Extreme ins Rennen, um auch Enthusiasten wieder eine kompromisslose Auswahl an entsprechend leistungsfähigen Komponenten bereitstellen zu können. Wir schauen uns das Flaggschiff in Form des Core i7-3960X genauer an und werfen auch einen Blick auf den Sockel LGA2011 und den X79-PCH.
With a maximum of eight cores, 256-bit AVX instructions, quad-channel memory and integrated PCI-Express 3.0 I/O connections, Intel has significantly improved its dual-socket server platform. Whether workloads benefit more from pure processing power, fast memory communication or faster I/O, the new Sandy Bridge architecture has clear advantages in all areas compared to Intel's previous server platform.
This is reflected by the test results. For example, with HPC applications we saw performance gains of a couple dozen percent. The database benchmark showed an improvement of 36 percent compared to the previous generation. The performance-per-watt has also increased according to the results, both in tests focusing on pure CPU power and the database benchmarks that take advantage more of memory bandwidth.
When you take into consideration that our test servers have many more DIMMs, all of which use more power, then the differences are certainly impressive. The improved performance-per-watt and the option to add much more RAM thanks to LRDIMMS will be an incentive for upgrading older servers to the new Xeon E5-based platforms.
A lot of people are asking on various computer forums if buying a new Core i7-3770K or a 3570K will increase their fps in their favorite games.
That's exactly what we're going to find out today with this article!
We'll compare the new Core i7-3770K with a Core i7-2600K in various games running at the same operating frequency, and in various overclocked frequencies as well ( 4.2GHz, 4.5GHz, 4.7GHz and more ) in a head to head battle of Intel's 2nd and 3rd generation CPUs from the "Core iX" family.
We'll also run more tests with the Core i7-3770K at various frequencies, including the stock frequency ( 3.5GHz ) and show you how our framerates in some of the most demanding computer games scale with the 3770K's operating frequency as we overclock it up to 4.6GHz on air cooling!
Depuis le lancement de l'architecture Core étrennée par les célèbres Core 2 Duo puis Quad, Intel domine de la tête et des épaules le marché des CPU grand public. Nehalem qui lui succéda ne fit que confirmer cette suprématie avec des Core i7 intouchables, AMD n'ayant pas connu le même succès avec ses Phenom ! Ces derniers en progrès dans leur seconde révision intégrant jusqu'à 6 coeurs d'exécution, ne sont toujours capables que de concurrencer le milieu de gamme du géant bleu grâce à un placement tarifaire agressif. Mais Intel ne semble pas décidé à laisser son concurrent de toujours reprendre pied dans le marché en lançant en ce début d'année sa nouvelle micro-architecture Sandy Bridge. Que vaut-elle en pratique, réponse dans ce dossier.
Mit einem leistungsmäßigen Paukenschlag ließ Intel das vergangene Jahr ausklingen und präsentierte Mitte November die neuen High-Generation im Prozessorsegment. Mit der Sandy Bridge-E, welche weitestgehend auf Ableger der Serverstruktur „Sandy Bridge-EP“ und „Sandy Bridge-EN“ beruht, sowie Teil Intels „Tock-Verfahrens“ ist, soll der bisherigen High-End-Sockel LGA 1366 in Rente geschickt und durch den neuen. wesentlich größeren Sockel LGA 2011 abgelöst werden. Welche Neuerungen Intel in dieses, mittlerweile recht große Stück Silizium, gesteckt hat klären wir im nachfolgenden Artikel.
It is time to review Kabuto CPU cooler from Japan-based Scythe. This cooler has six heatpipes and three independent heatsinks, with a 120 mm fan placed horizontally. Will it perform well in our tests?
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