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The AMD Athlon II series of processors is a very budget friendly series of processors. Just because they are budget friendly, by no means are they lacking in performance. Today we have the opportunity to look at one such processor. The AMD Athlon II X2 260 is the fastest dual core processor in the Athlon II series. Read on to find out more!
Den Intel Core i5-760 stellt PC Games Hardware im Performance-Brief auf den Prüfstand - ein Kurz-Test der CPU mit Benchmarks und allen wichtigen Details.
AMD hat auf der HotChips-Konferenz seine zwei neuen CPU-Architekturen Bulldozer und Bobcat nunmehr offiziell vorgestellt. Die entsprechende Präsentation gibt es (u.a.) beim Planet 3DNow! zu besichtigen, wobei in dieser jedoch nur wenige konkrete Fakten zu den beiden CPU-Architekturen genannt werden – diese hat AMD erst im Anschluß an die Präsentation bekanntgegeben. Markantester Punkt an Bulldozer ist sicherlich seine Modul-Bauweise, welche wir nachfolgend beleuchten wollen.
The Colossus is the first case launched from BitFenix, a new company on the market. The case has some interesting features like a very innovative TRON-like lightening, a top compartment with lock and the cable routing/hiding options. The included 2x230mm fans provide enough cooling and there is a fan controller that has spare connections for up to 4 extra fans.
Drei Kerne sind nach wie vor eine oft belächelte Angelegenheit im CPU-Geschäft. Vollkommen zu Unrecht, wir unser aktueller Test erneut zeigt! Wir werfen einen Blick auf das taktschnellste Drei-Kern-Modell AMD Phenom II X3 450 und ziehen darüber hinaus den eigentlich dem OEM-Handel vorbehaltenen Phenom II X4 740 Black Edition zu Rate.
The war between Intel and AMD has been heating up, but just not in the way that we traditionally think. For many the war is all about the GHz (or the speed) of the CPUs. For the most part this is true, but it is also about bang for the buck. This is a message that AMD is more than comfortable sending to the market. In fact, it is one they have been giving ever since the days of the K6-2 CPUs.
Is the new lineup a success? Yes, it is. Even despite a different socket that will force you to buy a new motherboard - yet again. You might be tempted to upgrade, even if you have an LGA1366-based machine.
Monatelang geisterte er durch die Gerüchteküche, nun ist der da: Der Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition taktet mit 3,6 GHz und ist damit die am höchsten getaktete CPU, die es je von AMD gab. Wie sich der Deneb-Prozessor schlägt, zeigt der Test von PC Games Hardware.
Depuis le lancement de l'architecture Core étrennée par les célèbres Core 2 Duo puis Quad, Intel domine de la tête et des épaules le marché des CPU grand public. Nehalem qui lui succéda ne fit que confirmer cette suprématie avec des Core i7 intouchables, AMD n'ayant pas connu le même succès avec ses Phenom ! Ces derniers en progrès dans leur seconde révision intégrant jusqu'à 6 coeurs d'exécution, ne sont toujours capables que de concurrencer le milieu de gamme du géant bleu grâce à un placement tarifaire agressif. Mais Intel ne semble pas décidé à laisser son concurrent de toujours reprendre pied dans le marché en lançant en ce début d'année sa nouvelle micro-architecture Sandy Bridge. Que vaut-elle en pratique, réponse dans ce dossier.
Rules change and we need to be at the top of the technology to understand how new architectures work with our new components. Overclocking is a "sport" which has passed lots of different generations (people and platforms) and from time to time, the way you do it changes a lot. At Benchmark Reviews we put all our effort to bring you reviews and articles covering most of the new products as they arrive to the market, but we also focus a lot on enthusiasts who want to get the best out of their hardware without paying extra money; obviously by overclocking their PC components. With the launch of the new Sandy Bridge processors we feel the necessity to prepare an Overclocking analysis mainly because Intel completely changed the rules. Overclocking is now 99% limited to unlocked processors, and to mid-high platforms, while low-mid platforms and non-unlocked processors can't simply be overclocked more than some extra MHz. Follow us while we p! ut into test both the Core i5 2500K and the Core i7 2600K paired with the P67 Express platform and discover how they work against voltage, heat and power consumption.
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