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It's no secret that the X79 platform was launching today; it's no secret that the top of the line processor for the platform is the i7 3960X Extreme Edition, and it's no secret that the platform supports Quad Channel RAM. Like any launch, there's a lot of things we know about the product prior to the release of it.
Intel Core i7-3960X Processor and X79 Chipset Launch Review featuring: ASUS Rampage IV Extreme, ASRock X79 Extreme4, MSI X79A-GD68 8D, ECS X79R-AX and Intel DX79SI Extreme Series Motherboards.
Aujourd'hui, nous consacrons donc notre comparatif au tout nouveau processeur Intel, le Sandy Bridge-E. Un CPU en Hexa-Cores avec HT, que nous avons dans sa version Extreme Edition. Ce nouveau venu est-il le plus puissant des CPU ? Réponse dans ces quelques pages de benchs.
passend zur winterlichen Spieleflut lässt Intel seine neuen Flaggschiffe vom Stapel, namentlich die Sandy Bridge Extreme. PC Games Hardware testet den Core i7-3960X und prüft, wie schnell der Chip rechnet, wie viel elektrische Energie der dafür benötigt, wie modern die Plattform ist und vieles mehr.
Vor knapp drei Jahren stellte der Chipgigant Intel eine Oberklasse-Plattform auf Basis des Sockel LGA1366 samt X58-Chipsatz und den dazugehörigen Core-i7-900-Prozessoren vor, die in Sachen Performance zum Marktstart ihres gleichen suchte. Doch mittlerweile konnte die innovative Sandy-Bridge-Architektur - die Anfang dieses Jahres zusammen mit dem Sockel LGA1155 das Licht der Öffentlichkeit erblickte - die Performance-Krone an sich reißen. Es wird also höchste Zeit für eine neue High-End-Option: Deshalb schickt Intel heute offiziell Sandy Bridge Extreme ins Rennen, um auch Enthusiasten wieder eine kompromisslose Auswahl an entsprechend leistungsfähigen Komponenten bereitstellen zu können. Wir schauen uns das Flaggschiff in Form des Core i7-3960X genauer an und werfen auch einen Blick auf den Sockel LGA2011 und den X79-PCH.
We have to try and stay impartial at eTeknix when it comes to competative brands. We give a fair share to everyone and let their products do the talking and this is the key point with a couple of major brands on the market. The first is with the graphics card market, and the fight between AMD and Nvidia, and with each company, they both have their good and their bad points and we award them on their merits when we take a look at their products in our labs.
heute wurden die Intel Core i7 3930K und Core i7 3960X Extreme Edition LGA2011 Prozessoren vorgestellt und bereits umfangreich getestet.
It's getting close to Christmas, new hardware is coming right at ya at the speed of light. Only a few weeks back Intels main rival AMD, launched it's brand new Bulldozer CPU. Targeted at the entry and mainstream audience and should have been a rival for Intels 2500K and 2600K. Sadly for AMD, depending on the program it would be either close to or miles behind the competitors processors. But you can read more on that story in the previous articles. Today the big silicon firm launches it's brand new X79 chipset, sporting a big 2011 pin socket and SB-E CPU. This is Intel's replacement for the aging X58 socket 1366 CPUs. No more triple channel rams, but we go one step beyond, meaning the socket 2011 is optimized for quad channel configurations. Big thanks to Intel to send the Shrimps one of the rare press kits. Time to see what this new technology brings to it's end users.
Comme prévu, Intel dévoile aujourd'hui sa nouvelle génération de processeurs haut de gamme : Sandy Bridge-E. Celle-ci vient remplacer ceux de la génération Nehalem, lancés il y a trois ans.
Memory performance on the new platform has been all over the place and I've personally been talking to both motherboard and RAM manufacturers to see what we can do about the performance. The big issue at the moment is under AIDA64 - an almost industry standard benchmark for us, we see that Quad Channel isn't painted in the best light.
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