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Realtiv unbeachtet hat Intel vor wenigen Wochen auch „Sandy Bridge“-Prozessoren mit zwei statt vier Kernen vorgestellt. Core i3-2100 und 2120 sollen eine gute Performance zu kleinerem Preis und weiter gesenkter Leistungsaufnahme vorweisen können. Ob das Gesamtpaket am Ende stimmig ist, klärt wie immer unser ausführlicher Test.
Rules change and we need to be at the top of the technology to understand how new architectures work with our new components. Overclocking is a "sport" which has passed lots of different generations (people and platforms) and from time to time, the way you do it changes a lot. At Benchmark Reviews we put all our effort to bring you reviews and articles covering most of the new products as they arrive to the market, but we also focus a lot on enthusiasts who want to get the best out of their hardware without paying extra money; obviously by overclocking their PC components. With the launch of the new Sandy Bridge processors we feel the necessity to prepare an Overclocking analysis mainly because Intel completely changed the rules. Overclocking is now 99% limited to unlocked processors, and to mid-high platforms, while low-mid platforms and non-unlocked processors can't simply be overclocked more than some extra MHz. Follow us while we p! ut into test both the Core i5 2500K and the Core i7 2600K paired with the P67 Express platform and discover how they work against voltage, heat and power consumption.
Dernièrement, Intel a mis sur le marché le processeur grand public le plus puissant, mais aussi le plus cher, le 990X. Forcément, ce dernier est à la Ferme ce jour, mais il n'est pas tout seul, car il est accompagné de deux dual-cores Intel de dernière génération en Sandy Bridge. Les Core i3 2100 et 2120 sont donc également de la partie.
La plate-forme introduite par Intel début janvier a fait couler beaucoup d'encre. D'abord de façon positive avec des performances de haut vol pour des CPU mainstream supplantant celles des anciens haut de gamme sur socket LGA1366, à l'exception notable des monstrueux hexacores, puis, de façon moins joyeuse, avec la découverte d'un bug nécessitant une révision physique et donc un rappel du chipset Cougar. Les tests des différents dossiers sont unanimes sur un point : Sandy fait mal côté applicatif, mais nous allons voir si ce Sandy Bridge est particulièrement taillé pour les jeux, et s'il est intéressant de faire évoluer votre vieille configuration vers le LGA1155 pour un gamer ! Un Sandy, avec overclocking, deux cartes mono GPU haut de gamme, c'est parti pour un tour !
When it comes to performance, Intel has been the one to beat for quite some time. The Core i series Nehalem CPUs provided a fantastic boost in performance over the Core 2 line. The new Sandy Bridge CPUs look to provide another boost, but is the leap as dramatic? Today we'll be taking a look at the Core i5 2300, which fills the lowest slot in the i5 range for this generation. Let's see just how well this middleweight CPU manages to hold its own.
Processors like Core i3-2100 are in their right places in terms of both price and performance. In due time, we liked the Core i3-500 lineup very much. Now we like the Core i3-2000 one even more. We wish was bigger, however. But the noticeable price gap between Core i3-2120 and Core i3-2300 gives us hope that it may be expanded. Let's hope those new solutions will be as good.
Comme prévu, c'est ce soir que se terminera notre concours vous permettant de remporter un kit Sandy Bridge comportant un processeur Core i7 2600 et une carte mère H67 Intel, équipée d'un chipset en révision B3.
Mit „Sandy Bridge“ hat Intel nicht nur klassiche Desktop-PCs im Blick, auch stromsparende Kleinst-PCs sollen möglich sein. Wir sehen uns den Core i5-2400S genauer an. Dabei gehen wir auf die reine Performance und darüber hinaus insbesondere auch auf den Verbrauch im Verhältnis zum Preis und zur Leistung ausführlich ein.
Those who thought the Brazos platform would be revolutionary might be disappointed because it's not. The new solution is, without a doubt, slightly faster than Pine Trail, but it belongs to the same class in terms of processor performance. Neither solution can compete with three-year-old low-end desktop processors.
After several weeks testing and trying out Intel's Core i7-2600k Sandybridge processor, there isn't a whole lot to say other than it's relatively cheap, it's fast and it's extremely overclockable. When a processor comes in just over US$300 and is this fast, NO ONE can complain.
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