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What should you do, if you aren't willing to spend more than 150-250 dollars on a processor? Obviously, you'll have to compromise, e.g. choose Core i5 instead of Core i7 (if you need an Intel CPU, that is). But there are a lot of Core i5 processors in the market. How do they perform? We'll see in this review.
Im Jahr 2010 hat sich bei den Prozessoren viel getan. Grund genug für uns, insgesamt 15 Modelle mit nagelneuer High-End-Grafik zu testen und die Marktsituation neu zu bewerten. Dazu setzen wir erstmals ausführlich unseren überarbeiteten Testparcours ein, den wir um neue theoretische Tests, reale Anwendungen und Spiele in unterschiedlichen Auflösungen erweitert haben.
Sandy Bridge is the name of the new microarchitecture Intel CPUs will be using starting in 2011. It is an evolution of the Nehalem microarchitecture that was first introduced in the Core i7 and also used in the Core i3 and Core i5 processors.
Da sind sie, die neuen „Sandy Bridge“-Prozessoren! Gleich fünf Modelle stellen sich auf 54 Seiten unserem Test-Parcours und werden von uns in jeder Hinsicht detailliert untersucht. Mit dabei sind alle Details zur Architektur, alle Modelle für Desktop und Notebook, die dazu passenden Chipsätze, Mainboards & Co. sowie umfangreiche Analysen zu allen Features.
Back in the days of the Conroe CPUs, I compared Intel to a charging rhino. They are a big company that has a lot of weight and momentum behind them. Often there are times it can be hard for them to change direction, but once they are on a course they can build up quite the momentum. If you have ever seen a rhino charge and hit something squarely (even on TV), you will also know they can have quite an impact. Ever since the launch of Conroe Intel has been building up momentum behind their CPU designs and just like that rhino they have hit the market with quite an impact. On the heels of Conroe came Nehalem, then Lynnfield, then Clarkdale, and now we have a new name to drop on the market.
The world’s fastest desktop processor is the 6 core, 12 thread, Intel Core i7 980 Extreme Edition which comes purring out of its box at 3.33GHz. Costing more than £800 from UK stores, it’s a monster in terms of raw processing power. Upon opening the latest shipment of second generation Intel Core processors, KitGuru was fascinated to know just how far the £250 model would clock and, once clocked, how would it fair against the world’s fastest chip? Sirens were sounded, blast-proof lab doors shut and another 75p dropped in the electric meter.
The release of Intel’s second generation of Core Processors has been a hot topic of conversion among the enthusiast audience now for many months. They have a total of twenty nine new chips reaching retail and today KitGuru will be looking at the i5-2500k and the i7-2600k, both of which have fully unlocked cores.
It seems just like yesterday that Intel launched the Core 2 Duo series of CPU's and re-established itself as the king of the hill for x86 CPU's. As hard as it may be to believe that was four and a half years ago. Intel has just released their 2nd generation Intel Core Processor family and you might be shocked to see just how well these 'mainstream' processors tear up many of the processors on the market today. You also need to look at how well they overclock!
On our test bench today we have an evolution of the Core architecture in the form of Intel’s “Sandy Bridge” components. These Include the P67 and H67 chipsets and two CPUs, one from the i5 range and the other from the i7.
Mit einem "Tock" schickt Intel am heutigen Montag eine neue CPU-Architektur an den Start. Mit 29 Prozessoren und 10 Chipsätze greift "Sandy Bridge" auf breiter Front an und verspricht mehr Rechenleistung pro MHz und eine noch bessere Energieeffizienz. Wir haben diese Versprechen anhand der beiden Prozessoren Core i7 2600K und Core i5 2500K bereits überprüft.
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