Last Update 2013/8/6 19:18
As far back as i can remember whenever i would find the time to attend a large LAN event i would see dozens of people wearing full sized closed type gaming headsets since these solutions obviously offered the best possible noise isolation along with good positioning audio (at least for most models). Personally i also use a closed type gaming headset with my primary test system to avoid intruding in other people’s privacy at night when playing online MMOs line Planetside 2 so this never really came as a surprise to me. However things seem to be changing and so lately many gaming peripherals manufacturers have begun to release in-ear headsets (i prefer the term earsets) featuring drivers with exceptional audio specifications making them ideal for gaming use. SteelSeries hardly needs any introductions and as it was expected they were the first manufacturer to join this new trend so follow us as we take their latest FLUX In-Ear Pro Headset and put it through rigorous testing with all the latest gaming titles, movies and of course our favorite new and old tunes.
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