Last Update 2/7/2013 12:34
I have something a little different in the office today, the Xebec Easy Eye keyboard and while some of your are likely recoiling in shock, thinking "what on earth are you doing" well, I'm going somewhere with this and I think this is an important product in many different ways, so lets see if I can get to the bottom of this.
The Easy Eye is quite a popular product and while I expect you don't see many of them on the pro gaming scene or the gaming scene at all really, there are a lot of people in this world that would have good use for a keyboard like this, its big, bright, simple and water proof, perfect for those who are hard of sight or perhaps other disabilities that would make the use of a regular small key-keyboard more difficult.
The thing that interests me the most however is that its effectively water proof and while I don't expect it would survive an over night soak in the bath, Xebec say it should survive some severe spillage, which is something I aim to test.
Priced at around £15-£20 from most major online retailers its reasonably price too and so long its build quality is up to par and its actually a comfortable keyboard to use, I see a big market for this keyboard, I already know before I open the box that my dad would love this keyboard.
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