Last Update 2013/7/2 14:06
A few months ago I took a look at a product that entered a new line on to the list of different products that I've looked at over time. This is namely AVerMedia's RECentral Live Gamer HD - a PCI Express based hardware encoder that takes the effort out of video capture with a simple plug and play installation and a instant record button that connects via USB.
Following on from this bit of kit that ticked all the boxes for me, AVerMedia's R&D teams have been busy working away, thinking a little outside of the box and this brings us forward to what I've got to look at today.
Whilst the PCI-e based capture card is a great bit of kit, there is one slight downfall (if you was to see it as one) in that if you're capturing footage from say a games console such as the Xbox 360 or PS3, you need to have your PC nearby in order to capture the footage. If you're at a LAN event such as Multiplay's Insomnia series or you're popping round to your mates house for a gaming session, the prospect of having to lumbar an extra system around isn't exactly going to rate well and the thought of having a compact portable alternative is music to the ears for many gamers. Fear not as this is exactly what AVerMedia have done.
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