According to the latest IDC report

IDC has released its latest fourth quarter 2015 report on PC shipments, reporting a drop of 10.6 percent in Q4 2015, compared to the the same quarter last year.

Second largest maker

According to the latest report from IDC, Apple managed to ship 3.6 million Apple Watch units during the second quarter of 2015, making it the second largest wearable maker in that quarter.

Windows 10 launch and inventory to blame

According to a latest report, PC market will continue to drop and will take an 8.7 percent plunge in the 2015, with tendency to decline all through 2016.

Still down by 6.7 percent compared to last year

Worldwide PC shipments in the first quarter of 2015 managed to beat earlier grim expectations, according to International Data Corporation (IDC), but are still down by 6.7 percent compared to the same period last year.

Economic and product changes to blame

Despite earlier strong growth of the PC market, IDC has lowered its PC shipment expectations and forecast for 2015.

First-ever decline in quarterly shipments

Few last years were definitely marked with expansion of the tablet market and it was only earlier last year that we saw a certain shift in market focus and now, tablet shipments have seen its first-ever decline in quarterly tablet shipments.

But still did better than expected

According to the latest report from the IDC research group, worldwide PC shipments have dropped by 1.7 percent in Q3 2014, but still did much better than expected.

Improvement from previous forecast

According to the latest report from IDC, worldwide PC shipments are expected to fall by 3.7 percent in 2014, which is actually an improvement from the previous forecast for 6 percent.

Lower drop than expected

The International Data Corporation (IDC) has announced its latest reports stating that PC shipments went down by 1.7 percent in Q2 2014, which was actually lower than predicted.

New IDC report published

According to the report from International Data Corporation (IDC) worldwide PC shipments for the first quarter of 2014 have reached 73.4 million units which is a decline of 4.4 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

Worst quarter so far

According to a report from the International Data Corporation (IDC), the PC industry has taken another hit as it dropped down by 8.6 percent when compared to the last quarter making it the worst financial quarter since 2008. The PC industry had a really rough year and hopefully things will start to move forward.

Down by 14 percent in Q1

The PC industry simply can't get a break these days and according to IDC and Gartner, things are not looking well as PC sales dropped by 14 percent in Q1 making the steepest decline ever recorded.

Auf der einen Seite liest man dieser Tage, dass der Markt für Desktop-PCs schrumpft und auf der anderen Seite kann man den Tablet-Markt beobachten, der durch die Decke schiesst. IDC hat nun seine Zahlen bezüglich verkaufter Stückzahlen veröffentlicht und dabei zeigt sich, dass Apple immer noch unangefochten an der Spitze steht, aber deutlich Marktanteile verlor.

Geht es nach dem Marktforschungsunternehmen IDC, dann sollten die Umsätze mit Prozessoren dieses Jahr und auch in den darauf folgenden Jahren steigen. Nach einem Rückgang von 2.4 Prozent im Vorjahr geht IDE 2013 von einem Wachstum von 1.6 Prozent aus.

In diesem Jahr konnte die Halbleiter-Industrie lediglich ein schwaches Wachstum aufweisen. Der gesamte Sektor wuchs, laut der International Data Corporation (IDC), um ein Prozent auf ein Volumen von 304 Milliarden US-Dollar.
IDC - PC shipments down by 10.6 percent in Q4 2015 - News - ocaholic