ASUS breaks SuperPi 1M world record with liquid helium cooling
At the moment the ASUS "Absolute Zero" days are taking place in the ASUS headquarter in Taiwan and well known overclockers like Andre Yang and Shamino are playing with some liquid Helium.
Liquid Helium is much more inconvenient to work with than liquid nitrogen because it evaporates instantly. Because of this there is a lot of steam which is no only cold but also needs to be push out of the line of sight. After several tries the guys succeeded in getting stable temperatures. Andre Yang posted a video on Facebook where you can see the guys trying and playing. To be honest, it looks like a lot of fun.
Ah yeah, I almost forgot: at a clock speed of 7.023 GHz - on an Ivy Bridge Core i7-3770K CPU - and the temperature at -227.5°C the guys were able to run SuperPi 1M in 5.140 seconds! The even managed to find the cold bug of the CPU. It was somewhere around -230°C.
News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini