Toutes les alimentations EVGA sont prêtes pour Haswell

EVGA a annoncé que son entière série d’alimentation SuperNOVA supporte la récente sortie de la 4è génération de processeurs Intel Core Haswell qui apporte des nouveaux états d’économie d’énergie, soit C-State C6 et C-State C7.

In case you missed it earlier, the C6 and C7 states reduce the CPU power down to 0.05A and was pretty much a problem for some PSU makers as their PSU lines could not support it. Of course, these two new C-states are not a big problem considering that you can simply disable them in BIOS and only work if you have a compatible motherboard and a compatible PSU.

EVGA has announced that its entire EVGA SuperNOVA PSU lineup, including NEX 1500 Classified, 1300 G2, 1000 G2, NEX750G Gold, NEX750B Bronze and the NEX650G Gold, actually have full support for Intel's new C6 and C7 states. It actually does not come as a surprise considering that EVGA designed its entire lineup with enthusiasts in mind as it had to differentiate itself in the quite crowded PSU market.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Toutes les alimentations EVGA sont prêtes pour Haswell - EVGA - News - ocaholic