It looks like Russia doesn't trust AMD, Intel and Microsoft anymore. The government around Vladimir Putin decided to change their IT infrastructure to products and solutions designed and manufactured in Russia.
The Russian government runs an IT infrastructure, that features no less than 700'000 PCs and 300'000 servers in use. All of them are based on processors from Intel or AMD and they run Microsoft software. In order to close all possible backdoors Russia is now to replace their entire IT infrastructure with their own products.
Apparently Russia doesn't trust the American tech giants anymore, which led them to manufacture their upcoming PC at Baikal Electronics. Some of the machines will be based on ARM Cortex A57 64-bit architectures. There will be SoCs with 8 cores running with 2 GHz clock speed. Already in 2016 there will even be 16 core CPUs following.
Replacing all these machines is not exactly cheap and the American companies, which used to sell their products to Russia will now lack 3.5 Billion US-Dollar worth of contracts. On the other hand this massively pushes Baikal Electronics and it will be interesting to see what a push they can make in the market.
Le Comptoir du Hardware.