Flava FormulaWelcome all at my next project. Cooler Master asked me last year with offer to mod their Master Case Pro 5... So, why not?
I used it for project for ASUS CZ and liked it so much that I have to make one for me too. Therefore, this time not building the case, but edit and rigorous tuning of each part.
Color theme is clear - black and yellow. Red has been enough, I like yellow ..
Flava = yellow
Planning was easier this time because I did not have to invent a whole case
As you can see on the render I planned mainly inside of the computer. I want the cleanest possible look - cleaner than in previous projects.
I want to do water loop exactly as in render - only horizontal pipes (I hope it will be possible). For first time I would like to use a bent tubes.
Materials:Especially materials that complete the case.
- Steel
- Plexiglass
- Airbrush paint and varnish
Plan:Edit inside with emphasis on a much greater smoothing interior and a cleaner appearance. The outer part of the case completely airbrush (still thinking about paint and changing my mind every day is different
) in combination with yellow paint
Components:▪ Intel i7 6700K
▪ ASUS GTX 980 Poseidon
▪ Cooler Master V1000
▪ Master Cooler Master Case PRO 5
▪ Corsair AF120 and SP120
As you can see, I do not know all components for now.
Everything will be watercooled, as always, for the use of water components from the two top producers - Bitspower and EKWB.
This project would not have been possible with the support of these wonderful sponsors!
As regards the actual progress, so that it is not more or less zero
But! I already have motherboard and case at home.
I will add more soon, probably I will make outside of case first and then through to the inside.